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Light Kits for Pinewood Derby Cars. It's as easy as ABC! 

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Make your Pinewood Derby Car Flashy

These Pinewood Derby car light kits look good in normal lighting conditions and look even better in dim light.

Under Glow Kit

Under Glow Kit
The Under Glow kit is easy to install. It features two light strips of five blue and white lights. It has three display modes: fast blink, slow blink and steady on.

This kit requires a 1 1/8" fostner drill bit

How to install the Under Glow Kit


Head/Tail Lights Kit

Head/Tail Lights Kit
This Head/Tail Lights kit features two white headlights and two red tail lights.

This kit requires
1 1/8" fostner drill bit
3/16" drill bit
1/4" drill bit
Super Glue

Total weight: 0.35oz

Your pinewood derby car should have enough space in the front and rear to mount the lights.

How to install the Headlight Kit

1 1/8" Fostner bit

1 1/8" Forstner Bit

Recommended to install either of the light kits

Forstner Bits
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